In short Hi there, the name is Ruilin, or “Rueylin” in alternative spelling and read like “Ray-lin”. In 2024, I’ll be graduating from my current bachelor of science(Statistical Science Major, Computer Science Minor and Mathematics Minor). The next step is, hopefully, an engineering Master. 你好,我叫彭瑞麟。目前就讀於多倫多大學聖喬治校區,主修統計科學,輔修計算機科學以及數學,2024年5月畢業。長話短說主要用的Arch Linux+sway/xfce4(繪畫板的driver需要)。死宅,每天玩舟,fgo,BA,節假日玩主機(switch, steam deck,…)。喜歡收藏紙片人。日語N3. 専攻は統計科学、コンピューターサイエンス、であります。そして、アークナイツやFGOが大好きて。。。つまりオタクでいるとおもいます。 Setup This is the Thinkpad I use the most nowadays and carries around, a t460 And this is actually the first device I got Arch Linux up and running.