[ruilin@archlinux blog]$ neofetch 
                   -`                    ruilin@archlinux 
                  .o+`                   ---------------- 
                 `ooo/                   OS: Arch Linux x86_64 
                `+oooo:                  Host: 20FMS0LG06 ThinkPad T460 
               `+oooooo:                 Kernel: 6.2.8-arch1-1 
               -+oooooo+:                Uptime: 205 days, 21 hours, 12 mins
             `/:-:++oooo+:               Packages: 1083 (pacman) 
            `/++++/+++++++:              Shell: bash 5.1.16 
           `/++++++++++++++:             Resolution: 1920x1080 
          `/+++ooooooooooooo/`           WM: sway 
         ./ooosssso++osssssso+`          Theme: Adwaita [GTK2] 
        .oossssso-````/ossssss+`         Icons: Adwaita [GTK2] 
       -osssssso.      :ssssssso.        Terminal: xfce4-terminal 
      :osssssss/        osssso+++.       Terminal Font: Monospace 12 
     /ossssssss/        +ssssooo/-       CPU: Intel i5-6300U (4) @ 3.000GHz 
   `/ossssso+/:-        -:/+osssso+-     GPU: Intel Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] 
  `+sso+:-`                 `.-/+oso:    Memory: 5866MiB / 7801MiB 
 `++:.                           `-/+/
 .`                                 `/  
 [ruilin@archlinux blog]$ ls -G posts

Guide for setting up a home server with Ubuntu Server Edition

Guide for setting up a home server with Ubuntu Server Edition
Introduction If you ever developed a discord bot, you might wonder how things just work as long as we have either Python or javascript files running on our computer. That is because either Python or JavaScript program is serving as the backend of the discord bot, and this also shows us that any computer can be used as a server. Thus instead of paying for cloud services such as AWS which costs about 70 USD a month (AWS Marketplace: Ubuntu 20.
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CSC301 flutter setup

CSC301 flutter setup
Crash course I recommend https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/flutter-codelab-first#0 1 Install Flutter https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install To check dependencies bash example flutter doctor -v 2 Devices Well, of course, there are two types of devices that can be used for debugging, actual device and virtual device. By default we have the computer which can be used, if we have the option of the OS: As for mobile(Let’s say android, cause I only have android). It could be either a mobile connected through adb(USB or tcp) or an emulator on our computer(which is actually also connected through adb) ^ Actual phone, screen copy can be seen in other sections of this post.
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STA304A2 github

STA304A2 github
1 第一步首先在uoft的rstudio的terminal裏初始化git 需保留雙引號 bash example git config --global user.email "ruilin.peng@mail.utoronto.ca" git config --global user.name "Ruilin" 2 File > New Project > Version Control > Git 順便說下已生成的repository的url: https://github.com/RuilinP/STA304 3 在commit/push之前需要先pull(簡單來說就是別人之前做的改動) 兩種方法: 一:Git > commit > 然後點擊右上角的pull 二:在terminal裏輸入 bash example git pull 4 在完成了一些工作後要上傳需要git commit + push 兩種方法: 一:Git > 選中所有要上傳的文件 > commit > 加入批註 > 右上角push 二:在terminal裏輸入 bash example git add --all git commmit -m "<信息>" git push 然後輸入github的用戶認證完成push操作
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MaCoPiX-mascot constructive for X & how to make custom ones

MaCoPiX-mascot constructive for X & how to make custom ones
Introduction Official website MaCoPiX, Mascot Constructive Pilot for X, is a desktop mascot application for UNIX / X Window system and Microsoft Windows / macOS. Personally, I first got to know this amazing application when I tried out the Mangaka distributions which comes with this application by default. In Debian-based distributions, bash Installation in Debian-based distros sudo apt install macopix And as for other distros, where the package might not be available in package manager, we could make install instead.
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レインコードRaincode霧雨謎宮通關紀念(No Spoiler)

レインコードRaincode霧雨謎宮通關紀念(No Spoiler)
這兩天好不容易休息了一口氣30多小時補完了霧雨迷宮,不得不說真是彈丸味十足,劇情也非常腦洞大開讓人停不下來,人設更是非常喜歡。 虹夏媽媽聲優配的死に神ちゃん雖然經常說些不合時宜的話(絕望教主小號?),但總體來說還是非常討人喜的,關鍵時候也總能幫助我們的幽瑪桑掙脫困境擺脫迷茫。「キャキャキャ、俺様だから」 然後我們的女二號クルミちゃん也好可愛的說,♡愛了愛了♡ 總之好期待續作/接下來的DLC啊,彈丸粉強烈推薦哦!
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First post

Trying something new today Using HUGO And here starts something new I guess よし 測試
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